EAST: Environment Aware Safe Tracking using Planning and Control Co-Design

Zhichao Li
Yinzhuang Yi
Zhuolin Niu
Nikolay Atanasov
University of California, San Diego
IJRR, In Preparation

EAST evaluates risk of collision based on robot states, moving obstacle and local environment, generates path with customizable clearance and drives the robot safely towards the goal.

This paper considers the problem of autonomous robot navigation in unknown environments with moving obstacles. We propose a new method that systematically puts planning, motion prediction and safety metric design together to achieve environmental adaptive and safe navigation. This algorithm balances optimality in travel distance and safety with respect to passing clearance. Robot adapts progress speed adaptively according to the sensed environment, being fast in wide open areas and slow down in narrow passages and taking necessary maneuvers to avoid dangerous incoming obstacles. In our method, directional distance measure, conic-shape motion prediction and custom costmap are integrated properly to evaluate system risk accurately with respect to local geometry of surrounding environments. Using such risk estimation, reference governor technique and control barrier function are worked together to enable adaptive and safe path tracking in dynamical environments. We validate our algorithm extensively both in simulation, large-scale indoor environments and challenging real-world environments with moving obstacles.


Zhichao Li, Yinzhuang Yi, Zhuolin Niu, Nikolay Atanasov

EAST: Environment Aware Safe Tracking using Planning and Control Co-Design

To be submitted to IJRR.


Latest Results for IJRR

Jackal UGV navigates in an unknown large-scale cluttered working space (video playing at 2x speed).
During this experiment, goal position (green dot) is updated occassionaly by remote operator using RViz.

Jackal UGV navigates around static and moving obstacles (human actors wearing helmets with vicon marker).
Actors are instructed to intentionally block the way vehicle, but not being adversial in long-time horizon.

Algorithm comparision: Ours vs. EVA Planner (Quan. Lun, et al. 2021)
Jackal UGV needs to go through unknown maze in which corridors getting narrower from outer to inner region.

Method Overview from ICRA 2020


 [Available in Nov. 2023]


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